4 Tips to Battle Cabin Fever

4 Tips to Battle Cabin Fever

Every day, we’re bombarded with news about COVID-19—new findings, new cases, new shelter-in-place orders, new worries. It’s difficult to try to turn off that internal panic setting and try to find the silver lining. But, here at Skimdevil, that’s what we’re going to try to do. Our team members are either working from home, or working to keep an incredibly clean warehouse to continue Skimdevil fulfillment—and also checking in on our own loved ones via FaceTime. We wanted to share some of our own observations and tips about how to make the best of an ever shifting global situation and how to truly thrive with all of this new time at home. Can anyone guess what number one will be? 

If you’re in a warm climate...more pool time! 

Let’s be honest - how often do you use your swimming pool weekly? It probably sits there, shining brightly, cool and inviting. Now that most of us are home, if it’s warm enough, get out by your pool on a WFH lunch break. Take a swim. Check out this swim ankle strap and get some laps in. As time goes on, we can guarantee you’ll get sick of skimming your pool and cleaning the filter. Or will be avoiding people and cancel your pool service altogether. Fun fact: robots can’t get coronavirus. Get a Skimdevil Pure to do the work for you—preorder your robotic pool skimmer and let it do your dirty pool work.

Our pets are the true winners here.

Ever wonder what your dog or cat does at home all day while you’re gone at work? Now you get to find out. We would bet it involves a lot of staring at you, sleeping, and continually asking for pets. Indulge your pets during this time of need and get all of the cuddles in. Science says pets and cuddles release oxytocin—the “love hormone”—for you and your pet. Pretty sure we can all use some more of that right now.

Spend time with whoever you call family.

Whether you’re home alone, home with a partner,  home with your kids, or home with your claimed family, take this time to really spend time with them. Learn more about who they are. Tell stories. Communicate. Jump on a call or FaceTime if they’re not in the house. The relationships we build with those we care about are what’s most important in life—not money, fame, or power. We now have the time and energy to devote more precious time to them. 

Do something other than watch Netflix. 

We know, we know. Netflix and pjs is super cozy and allows you to turn off for a bit. But, maybe take this opportunity to take a leisurely, 6ft away social distancing walk around your neighborhood. Observe. Breathe. Play some board games, video games, or just make up games. Get creative. Start cooking again or order takeout to support your local businesses. Tackle a long ignored home improvement project. Get weird. 

Whatever you do, we hope you’re staying safe, washing your hands, and enjoying this time as best as you can. 

All of our good vibes to you and yours :) 

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